
Port calls are complex with many different stakeholders that need to align operational planning. Ships hurry to port and wait until operations can start. Without clarity on the timing of arrival, port stay and departure events, planning can only be ad-hoc and reactive. This makes port calling unreliable and unpredictable. Currently, there is no single source of “truth” for port call events. To ensure alignment across the end-to-end port call process, stakeholders must expend resources manually collecting accurate information on port call events. 没有全球标准, stakeholder APIs all “speak different dialects”, which means optimisation and interoperability must be implemented across many-to-many connections. This makes digitalisation efforts, and maintenance, expensive and unscalable. As a result, port call communication and execution are inefficient and unsustainable  


The 永利皇宫app下载注册 Just-in-Time implementation framework and its API and message format facilitate instant communication of accurate, 每个事件的可用数据, making port call communication faster and unambiguous. This ensures safer, 透明的, more reliable and sustainable port calls. With earlier clarity around planning for all port call events, operations for all interconnected port calls and supply chain nodes can be optimised. Standardised data also enables benchmarking and analysis for predictive, 而不是临时的, 港口停靠计划.  

The 永利皇宫app下载注册 Just-in-Time (JIT) implementation framework is currently the only global technical standard for JIT port calls based on the semantics and definitions of the IMO-GIA JIT Arrival Guide. 这确保了可伸缩性. It includes open-source API definitions, 接口标准, message format and business process, making interoperability across all port call stakeholders a reality.  

The framework is super lightweight, with only 22 data attributes, making it easy to implement. It includes all important port call events, which means users can pick and choose from 112 event timestamp messages to exchange with their port call partners.    


Optimise your supply chain with 永利皇宫app下载注册's 准时停靠港口, 这确保了安全, 透明的, more reliable and sustainable port calls.   


Take a closer look at 永利皇宫app下载注册's Just-in-Time framework in this informative video. Discover how our approach is reshaping traditional supply chains, focusing on precision and synchronization to enhance efficiency. Join us as we delve into the principles and practices behind Just-in-Time logistics.


无论你是一个港口, 终端, 或解决方案提供商, interested in implementing an API based on the 准时停靠港口, please view the standard documentation or review the API specification on our 开发人员门户.



Shape the future of container shipping with us. Our team of experts is ready to assist you with any questions or comments regarding the 准时停靠港口.



Shape the future of container shipping with us. Our team of experts is ready to assist you with any questions or comments regarding the 准时停靠港口.



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